Singletrack Club

We will list here links to photo galleries associated with the Christchurch Singletrack Club and other events club members are participating in.  If you have photos (or video) you would like included, please send us the link

Torpedo7 National Champs (XCO) – Crocodile XC MTB Park – 27 February 2021

Martin Anderson, Outside the Square Creative –…
Sharon Brophy – Men Elite/U23 –…
Sharon Brophy – Women –…
Aerial and Sports Photography – Elite and U23 Men –…
Aerial and Sports Photography – Women –…
Aerial and Sports Photography – Masters and Sport Men –… and…
Aerial and Sports Photography – U19 Men –…
Aerial and Sports Photography – U15 and U17 Men –…

Rabodirect MTB Cup Final – Living Springs – 19 February 2011
CSC: Elite/U19 race – by Rebekah Tregurtha
CSC: Age group race – by Rebekah Tregurtha
CSC: MTB Cup – by Bruce Wilson

Cycle Surgery Vulcaniser – 23 Jan 2011
CSC: Bruce Wilson
CSC: Greg Milne
CSC: Brooke Hudson – fb users only
CSC: Lyndal Donnelly – fb users only
CSC: Rebekah Tregurtha
CSC: Rebecca Climo – fb users only

Cycle Surgery Singletrack Fiesta – 1 May 2010

CSC: Tranquilo by Tracey Dempsey
CSC: Rapido by Tracey Dempsey
CSC: Velocidad Solo by Tracey Dempsey
CSC: Nino’s by Tracey Dempsey
CSC: Fiesta by Paul Petch – fb users only
CSC: Velocidad Solo by Melissa Newell/Michelle Peterson – fb users only
CSC: Fiesta by Rebekah Tregurtha
CSC: Fiesta video by Paul Petch
Rapido by Aaron Allen – fb users only
CSC: Fiesta by Dominic Blissett – fb users only
CSC: Fiesta by Jo

Raboplus NZ MTB Cup Round 1 Living Springs – 10 January 2010 (Rebekah)
And there are more here  (Rebekah)
And here (Aaron)

Hanmer Hammerhead, 6 December 2009 (Rebekah)

Festival of Cycling MTB event, 5 December 2009 (Rebekah)
Festival of Cycling MTB event, 5 December 2009 (Aaron A)
Festival of Cycling MTB event, 5 December 2009 (Chris D)

CSC: Club launch – McLeans Forest, Sept 09 (Rebekah)

Vulcaniser 2009 – Julia M

Vulcaniser 2009 cont – Julia M