Singletrack Club
  • Crocodile Series

2023/2024 Race Season

Results can be found here


These races cater for slow beginners through to elite fast riders. It’s about getting a good hit out and having fun. Try and choose the grade that is right for you. We don’t want fast people in the Core B and C Grade race as it can be intimidating for less confident riders. If you are fast but don’t want to do the more technical tracks, enter the Core A grade. If you can’t make it for the time scheduled for your grade, you may be able to do your race with another grade that is using the same course. We try and be accommodating.

Check Facebook for updates escpecially if there is uncertainty around the weather. There may be changes to the courses indicated below.

There will only be first aid on site if we can get funding. (Thanks Mainland Foundation!)


Time indicated below is for the 5 minute briefing on the start line.
We aim for race lengths to be between 20 and 40 minutes (see past results for what other people did)

5:30 pm – Registration opens

CORE LOOP RACES – leaves out the more technical tracks.

5:45 pm – Core B and C- Ride the easier loop and have a bit of fun! If parents want to ride alongside their kids that is absolutely fine. Adults in this grade would be “racing” for their own fitness rather than trying to win. We want people to have a good experience so you need to be patient if you get held up behind a slower rider.
6:10 pm – Core A – For those who are fitter and faster but don’t want to race on the more challenging tracks.

TECHNICAL RACES – Larger variety of tracks with B lines available on most, but not all, technical features.

6:40 pm – Elite/A Grade – For the more skilled faster riders
7:25 pm – B Grade – You get to ride the technical tracks but there is no pressure to ride fast.


It helps us enormously if you do two things
1) Register for the race series (CLICK HERE) and
2) Join the club (CLICK HERE).

For Christchurch Singletrack Club (or Gravity Canterbury) members, entry is by donation.
For non-members, it’s $15 per race.
If you don’t want to/forget to bring cash to the race, you can transfer some money to the club account 03-1355-0659108-01. Include the code Crocodile Series so we know what it is for.

Race Day

Before the race

Providing we get your information before we print the week’s registration list (around midday Tuesday), when you arrive at the registration desk, look for your name on the list and see what number has been allocated to you. Check your details are correct and update as necessary. If you don’t pre-register, someone will get your details and allocate you a number.

Find the number and attach it securely to the front of your bike so that the timekeeper will be able to read it. It has a passive timing chip on the back of it so if it falls off your bike it won’t be read by the recievers and it makes producing the results much more time consuming. Your time will be taken each time you pass the orange cones by the timing tent.

After the race

At the end of the race leave your number in the bin provided. If you won’t be doing any more races, let us know so that we can re-allocate your number. If you don’t complete all your laps, let the timekeepers know so we can account for you. Then you are free to leave.

The Race Courses – these may change so check back just before each race

Numbers in brackets e.g. (4) is the total number of laps for that grade.

The Core Loop follows C2 from the Entrance Hub to the farm. From there riders traverse Crocodile to Poplars Hub and then return on Deviation and Lower Deviation back to the Entrance Hub. Some weeks the Core Loop race will also include Garden Path

Tuesday 7 November 2023

Core A (3), Core B (2), Core C (1) – Core Loop

Elite (4), A Grade (3), B Grade (2) – Elegator – Off the Cuff (or alternatives) – Down and Out – Upper Crust (lower) – Murphs (lower) – Rockgarden – Upload – Download – C2 – Crocodile – Deviation – Lower Deviation
For Course 1 map, click here

Tuesday 14 November 2023

Core A (3), Core B (2), Core C (1) – Core Loop + Garden Path

Elite (4), A Grade (3), B Grade (2) – Download – C2 – Mishmash (lower) – Uppercrust – Crocodile – Switchback Alley – Crocodile – Rickrolled/Off The Cuff – C2 – Upload

REVISED COURSE: For Course 2 map, click here

Tuesday 21 November 2023

Core A (3), Core B (2), Core C (1) – Core Loop + Garden Path

Elite (4), A Grade (3), B Grade (2) – Download – C2 – Switchback Alley – Down & Out – Upload – Elegator – Lower Deviation – Crocodile – The Rock Climb – Crocpot

For Course 3 map, click here

Tuesday 05 December 2023 (new date)

Core A (3), Core B (2), Core C (1) – Core Loop + Garden Path

Elite (4), A Grade (3), B Grade (2) – Elegator – Crocodile – Down & Out – Uppercrust – Murphs – The Rock Graden – C2 – Crocodile – Deviation – Lower Deviation.

For Course 4 map, click here

THURSDAY 14 December 2023 (new date)

Core A (3), Core B (2), Core C (1) – Core Loop + Garden Path

Elite (4), A Grade (3), B Grade (2) – Download – C2 – Lower Mishmash – Rock Garden – Garden Path – Upload – Elegator – Off the cuff/Spurious/Coopers – Uppercrust – Upper Mishmash – C2 – Switchback Alley – Crocodile – Lower Deviation

For Course 5 map, click here

Tuesday 30 January – REVERSE ENDURO

INFO BELOW IS WHAT WE DID IN EARLY 2023, which will probaby be the same for 2024

Timed hillclimbs. Registration will be at the stormwater ponds near the water gap. Starts between 6:15 and 7:15 pm. Starts in 30 second increments (but if physical space allows, you can start at the same time as a friend).
First climb is up Upload and Crocodile (in the trees) to Deviation Hub . Then riders will make their way to the start of Elegator via Lower Deviation.
Second climb is Elegator (includes the rock climb on Crocpot). Riders will ride down Crocpot and Download and across the stopbank to the bridge on Upper Crust.
Third climb is Upper Crust to the C2 hub. Riders will descend on Murphs (give way to those coming up Upper Crust) to the stormwater ponds.
The fourth climb is up C2 and Crocodile (in the farm) to the Poplars Hub. Travel along Deviation and then down Crocodile.
The fifth climb is along the “gorge road” part of the Crocodile.

Stage 1 – Upload + Crocodile
Stage 2 – Elegator
Stage 3 – Upper Crust
Stage 4 – C2 + Crocodile to the Poplars Hub
Stage 5 – “gorge road” Crocodile

Times will be used to determine the club hillclimb champions for 2023/2024 year

Map of the climbs for 2022 can be found here


Points will be allocated from the series and age category winners will be acknowledged at the AGM in 2024. The points will be used to determine the club champions for 2024.

Questions you may have…

1. What happens if it is raining? Firstly, we will be disappointed, especially if we have already put time in to setting up. If the rain is such that we would close the tracks, we will cancel the event. If the rain is light but likely to cause safety issues we will either modify the course or cancel the event. Most important, check the club Facebook page for updates because the weather at the Crocodile may be quite different to how it is in other parts of the city. Often we make decisions at the last moment because we really want to avoid cancelling if we don’t have to. We have the option of postponing a course to December.

3. Can I ride with my child? Absolutely! If you have a child who wishes to race and you want to ride with them you are very welcome to do so.

4. I’m late!  Can I still race? We try and be accommodating so if you miss the start of the race let us know and we will make a note of your start time. Depending on how late you are you can either do the whole event or you can join in doing a reduced number of laps.

5. I don’t have the latest bike/clothing/glasses… will I look out of place? Nope! Everyone is welcome (as long as your bike is safe and you agree to the other conditions).

6. What grade should I enter? If you are not competent on the technical tracks you should stick to the Core Loop races. Check out these results – to get an idea of how fast the different grades do the core loop – remember the times include the start/finish loop. If you are slow on the downhills please let faster riders get past by pulling over. You don’t have to stay in the same grade each week.

7. Can I do both races on an evening? Yes, but if you want to do this let us know and we will put a second timing sticker on your race number.

8. Why is it so cheap? We wanted to run races that were accessible for people on all budgets so have a pay-what-you-can arrangement. All of the team putting on these events are volunteers. If we have first aid, it is paid for by a funding grant. We generally don’t have prizes. We re-use the race numbers and twist-ties to keep our expenses low. We do not need to provide facilities such as a marquee and toilets. We also do not pay a fee to use the tracks as we use a track network that we build and maintain.

9. What tyre pressure should I run? It depends! There are so many factors to consider, but it does make a difference so it is worth doing some research to get the best result for you. Lower pressures have better grip and less rolling resistance when riding on rough tracks. Here are some articles to get you started – | Bike Radar | Full Speed Ahead

Got another question? Send an email to the club (rebekah@ or craig@ or murray@, or send a message through Facebook, or you can phone Rebekah on 027 3134 908.