Singletrack Club

Welcome to the website for the Christchurch Singletrack Club, a club for mountain bikers interested in racing, trailbuilding and supporting the mountain bike community.  Check out the calendar where you will find a listing of most cross country mountainbike events.



If you are not interested in racing, you may prefer to make a donation towards the work of the Crocodile XC MTB Park instead of formally joining the club.  You can do that by clicking on the amount you would like to pay here – $5,   $10,   $20,   $50 or scanning the QR code below.  Thank you for your support.


Joining the club

Membership for club officially runs from 1 July to 30 June but now that we are using the Hivepass App (see below) we have changed that to be a rolling year. This means that it will not ask you to renew until one year after you last paid.  Because of their fee structure we will only be offering individual memberships.
Individual Membership fee:  $30

If you have paid for a club membership you are welcome to sign up your children at no extra cost – do that here.

For any membership enquiries please email Rebekah AT

Go to CyclingNZ if you need a race licence.


You can access the web-based version here – or, you can find Hivepass as apps in the links below:

App store link (iOS)
Google play (Android)


For internet banking or bank deposits the club bank account number is 03-1355-0659108-01 (SBS).   You can also pay by cash at a club event.  For Hivepass, payments will need to be made with a credit or debit card.

Our club is affiliated to:

MTBNZ Logo Full Positive.png

Club Overview


The Christchurch Singletrack Club generally holds some evening cross country races in spring, a hillclimb in summer, a signifcant cross country race (e.g. Port Hills Classic, National Champs, South Island Champs), and schools racing in March (Race Singletracks).  Members can join the Canterbury MTB Club on one of their day rides.  The club has a strong contingent of competitive riders.  Aside from all of that, club members are actively involved in numerous trailbuilding projects on the Port Hills, at Halswell and Living Springs as well as financially supporting other trailbuilding initiatives around Canterbury.  We have a good relationship with Gravity Canterbury (DH/Enduro Club).

Why join the Christchurch Singletrack Club?


Your membership fee helps fund tracks that you get to ride on
Your membership adds weight to submissions we make on mountainbike issues
You get to participate in fun low key club races
You get a discount on club organised public events
You are supporting CyclingNZ/MTBNZ as they advocate for mountainbiking at a national level

The Christchurch Singletrack Club builds and maintains the Crocodile XC MTB Park, the Living Springs trails,  and contributes to building and maintenance of the Port Hills trail network, runs a variety of events (both social and racing) and supports elite riders in the club at it’s discretion.

The Christchurch Singletrack Club began in July 2009 to consolidate and formalise existing trail building activities, to run club style events and to give Christchurch mountainbikers a voice. We would love you to join us.



Click on the link to view the Christchurch Singletrack Club Inc Constitution.

Click here for other Documents

The Christchurch Singletrack Club is affiliated with MTBNZ/CyclingNZ.



Click here for information on the current committee

This link is to resubscribe to the club newsletter if you accidently unsubscribe.

For internet banking or bank deposits the club bank account number is 03-1355-0659108-01 (SBS).

Privacy Policy